About Us
Best liver surgeon in Whitefield, Bangalore

Dr. Nikhil Shellagi
Gastrointestinal, HPB and Liver Transplantation, Laparoscopic and GI Oncosurgeon
MS Surgery, DNB Surgical Gastroenterology
Fellowship in HPB and Liver Transplantation
Dr. Nikhil Shellagi has done his graduation (MBBS) from JJMMC, Davangere. He subsequently did his post-graduation (MS, Master of surgery in General Surgery) from the prestigious Kasturba Medical college, Manipal.He has super-specialized in Surgical gastroenterology and Hepatopancreatic and biliary surgery at Jagjivan Ram Railway Hospital, Mumbai and subsequently awarded DNB in Surgical gastroenterology. Later he went to Asan Medical center, Seoul, South Korea as visiting fellow in department of Liver Transplantation and HPB Surgery.
He subsequently joined Centre for Liver and Biliary Science as a fellow in Liver Transplantation and HPB Surgery. He worked as a consultant GI, HPB and Liver Transplant Surgeon at Medica Hospital till October 2017.He has been working as a consultant Surgical gastro, HPB and Liver Transplant Surgeon at Manipal Hospitals Whitefield Bangalore since January 2022. His area of interest is GI and HPB Oncology, Advance Laparoscopic and Liver Transplantation.
- Education and Training
- Thesis Research
- Awards
- Publication
- JJMMC, Davangere, Karnataka state, India (MBBS) :- Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Medicine
- Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Karnataka State, India ( M.S. (GENERAL SURGERY) ) : Master of surgery
- Jagjivanram Railway Hospital, Mumbai central Maharastra, India ( DNB – SUPERSPECIALITY) : Surgical Gastroenterology
- Visiting Scholarship in HPB and Liver Transplantation at Asan Medical Centre , Seoul, South Korea
- Max Hospital, Delhi ( Fellowship ) : HPB and Liver Transplant
- Transhiatal Esophagectomy- Our Institutional Experience
- Correlation Of Outcome Of Panceatico-Duodenectomy In Relation To Pancreatic Duc Size, Texture, Position Of Pancreatic Duct,Thickness And Width Of Pancreatic Parenchyma: An Institutional Review.
- Paper presentation on Pancreatico-Duodenectomy at SAMO National conference held in the month of June 2015 at Mumbai and was awarded second prize.
- Awarded second place at National level (Torrent Young Scholar Award ) in Gastrointestinal Surgery Quiz held in the month of February 2016 at Ahmedabad.
- Elevated procalcitonin level in early postoperative period after liver transplantation is not an indicator for systemic infection – a case report. Indian journal of Transplantation, Volume 14, 2020
- Deceased donor Liver transplantation in India in the Covid Era: Current Scenario and future Perspectives. Transplant Proceedings June 2020
- Association of thyroid papillary carcinoma with GIST-a Case Series. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology August 2019
- Does Anatomy at the transected neck pancreatic neck influence post whipple’s
operation pancreatic fistula? Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, March2020 - A Left sided cystic pancreatic incidentaloma with sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma: a case report Journal of medical case reports August 2018
- Gastric Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma- A Case Report Of Rare Entity CS Canada Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Volume 2, 2015
- Traumatic Panniculitis of Right Thigh Oman Medical Journal, Volume 26, Issue 6,November 2011